On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 12:03:31PM +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:
> On 12.01.2009 11:19, Rainer Jung wrote:
>> On 12.01.2009 10:04, Joe Orton wrote:
>>> Sending SIGTERM to the rotatelogs process and having the parent recycle
>>> it should have done that already, surely, without adding all this
>>> complexity to rotatelogs?
>> Thanks for the hint. In fact I just tested it and it does work for
>> rotatelogs used in CustomLog, but not for the ErrorLog one. That one
>> simply dies, no automatic restart and further error messages are lost
>> (quickly tested on Solaris, and only with 2.2.x, needs some further
>> testing for trunk).
> It's the same for trunk: CustomLog automatically gets respawned,  
> ErrorLog not.

Sorry, my mistake, I hadn't realised the piped error-logs code was 
different in this respect.  Your analysis looks spot on here anyway.

> Does it make sense to add the reliable piped logs way of handling  
> loggers to the error log? Or is there any known dependency between the  
> code used in ap_open_piped_log() and the error log itself?

Well, I certainly had the expectation that piped error-loggers were 
automatically restarted; I don't know if there's some technical reason 
why it's not done, I expect it's just an oversight.

Regards, Joe

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