Graham Dumpleton wrote:

> Since you are talking here about runtime decisions based on a specific
> request, rather than auto generation of the static configuration in
> once off phase, it almost sounds like all you need is a way of having
> the lua code which would be associated with a specific handler in the
> configuration file rather than having to be in a separate file. So,
> instead of:
> LuaHookTranslateName lib/hooks.lua trans_name
> allowing something like:
>   <LuaHookTranslateName trans_name>
>   function trans_name(r)
>      ...
>   end
>   </LuaHookTranslateName>
> This approach doesn't require any changes to httpd itself as the
> ability to do this becomes a feature of just the module supporting
> that scripting language, eg, mod_lua. The same could also be done for
> other scripting languages.
> So, if your aim is to be able to do everything within the one Apache
> configuration file, rather than out in separate scripts, this would
> seem in part to satisfy the requirement.

I like this.

In theory, you could have a mod_java, or anything really.


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