William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:

  Thank you for all this work ... it's much appreciated, especially
since I've been utterly useless lately on the httpd front.  Thanks again!

So... if I throw the effort at getting unix to build clean for httpd-2.0
branch, you won't be offended ;-?

Seriously, no troubles, I'd just like to see this released, so we get
bug reports, so that we fix them, so that this becomes more relevant
and ends up in the 2.3-dev tree :)

  Absolutely, and again, apologies for being a useless lump at the

I'm rolling sometime tomorrow.  If folks can check out, test compile
and experiment, I'd be most appreciative.  It would be lovely if it
could go GA on the first try.

  I can't make a promise but I'll try to grab it and spin it up.
Again, thank you.


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