Hi Bill,
William A. Rowe, Jr. schrieb:
> Then I'll roll tomorrow afternoon along with mod_fcgid.  We have two ways to
> handle this; FTPOptions NoUTF8Feature, or something like;
> --- mod_ftp.c   (revision 816386)
> +++ mod_ftp.c   (working copy)
> @@ -86,12 +86,14 @@
>      ap_add_version_component(p, FTP_SERVER_STRING);
> +#if !defined(NETWARE) && !defined(OS2)
>      /*
>       * Unless disabled, advertise that UTF8 filenames are preferred/permitted
>       * RFC2640 never -requires- UTF8 names
>       */
>      if (!(basefsc->options & FTP_OPT_NO_UTF8_FEAT))
>          ftp_feat_advert("UTF8");
> +#endif
>      /* Finalize ftp_cmd_help and ftp_cmd_feat messages */
>      ftp_cmd_finalize(p, ptemp);
> thoughts?
I would prefer the 'FTPOptions NoUTF8Feature' thing because IIRC (its
been 5,6 years back when we discussed that with Novell's core
developers) we can now build an UTF8-enabled Apache, just its not what
we do by default; so ifdef by platform is not right, at least not for
NetWare; what about such in the config:
<IfModule mpm_netware_module>
FTPOptions NoUTF8Feature

BTW I've just tested 'FTPOptions NoUTF8Feature' - gave me no error
during start, but still get UTF8 with feature list ...
hopefully I have a bit time to investigate that further later - unless
you beat me :)


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