trawick wrote:

> Expectations of n users trump some the behavior of a helper script used
> by a few people, for our rather huge values of n.

Development on httpd is done in the open, and all our processes,
including our release processes, are transparent, and anybody is free to
improve upon our processes at any time.

Up till now, Linux users have enjoyed the happy accident that recent
versions of httpd and apr have been rolled for release by the release
manager on Linux. But this is purely a happy accident. Users of other
platforms have quietly made do with the tools available to them, without

Now that a release is being done on a platform other than Linux,
suddenly some people are complaining[1].

Not fixing the problem, not submitting patches, just complaining.

What signal does that send to others who might undertake the daunting
task of making a release? The signal is a clear "don't bother, you'll
trip over some unwritten rule, and someone somewhere will bite your head
off, so just wait till wrowe has time to do it, and keep your head down".

Like I said before, unwritten rules are evil. If you want it to be a
rule, code it.

[1] Some users have submitted helpful suggestions, which is exactly what
they should be doing, please may this continue.

> (And sure, should get smarter.)

Agreed. Patches welcome.


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