Graham Leggett schrieb:
> Now that a release is being done on a platform other than Linux,
> suddenly some people are complaining[1].
> Not fixing the problem, not submitting patches, just complaining.
I hope you dont target me here - I did quickly come up with a patch;
might be my patch is not yet perfect, but for that I posted it here for
further discussion; also Rainer posted some better approach, and this
combined with my patch should generate same format regardless what
platform the release manager is on.
All what's needed is that we commonly agree to the one or the other
format, then we can fix roll.sh quickly.

> What signal does that send to others who might undertake the daunting
> task of making a release? The signal is a clear "don't bother, you'll
> trip over some unwritten rule, and someone somewhere will bite your head
> off, so just wait till wrowe has time to do it, and keep your head down".
sorry if you feel so, but that was certainly not my intention. Once you
pointed me to the release script I realized that the format was *not*
your personal choice. Also I dont expect any re-roll.

Although I hate to re-invent the wheel - from my point of view we have a
huge demand to provide a standard checksum format + I think it wouldnt
be bad to provide own checksum tools which compile on every platform ...
will shortly post what I've found so far - but need to do some tests
first ...


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