On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Barry Scott <barry.sc...@onelan.co.uk>wrote:

> Jeff Trawick wrote:
>  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Barry Scott 
> <barry.sc...@onelan.co.uk<mailto:
>> barry.sc...@onelan.co.uk>> wrote:
>>    The mod_fcgid page says to ask on dev I assume that this is the
>>    right place to ask.
>>    I'm using mod_fcgid from svn with HTTPD 2.2.
>>    I want to use a fast CGI authorizer to allow me to control access
>>    based on my rules.
>>    The authorizer needs to be a long running process - never exits.
>>    I know that the fcgid code is noticing the directive because I can
>>    change the filename
>>    and see the error message from the sources.
>>    But I'm at a lose as to the required to get this configuration to
>>    actually call my code.
>>    mod_fcgid is not starting up the authorizer process.
>>    I have the following fcgid specific lines in my httpd.conf file:
>>    ---- httpd.conf ----
>>    ...
>>    LoadModule fcgid_module modules/mod_fcgid.so
>>    ...
>>    Listen *:9000
>>    <VirtualHost *:9000>
>>     <Location />
>>         Order allow,deny
>>         Allow from all
>>         AuthType Digest
>> Did you really mean Digest authentication instead of Basic authentication?
>> mod_fcgid only supports Basic, AFAICT.
>>    /* Get the user password */
>>    if ((res = ap_get_basic_auth_pw(r, &password)) != OK)
>>        return res;
> I don't want to be an authenticator, I want to be a authorizer.
> Authorizer has no need of passwords right.

whoops :(


your "require valid-user" implies that you don't need authorization; try
"require valid-group" instead

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