On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 14:28, William A. Rowe Jr. <wr...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 3/21/2010 3:14 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:
>> Include conf/empty/*
>> Include conf/*/whoops.conf
>> The last one (based on an existing conf/empty directive) fails, alerting the 
>> admin
>> to the fact that they made a typo, which is good.
> What I meant to point out was that if conf/empty directory doesn't exist, the
> first one fails.  If conf/empty is then created but left empty, the server 
> starts
> without so much as a warning.
> Even Include conf/extra.conf works, where extra.conf isn't a file but an empty
> directory.  Think of all the ways the user can confuse themselves with this 
> new
> feature.

The former seems like correct behaviour: it's including all files in
the directory, which is none. You might want to be able to move files
in an out of that directory for convenience. The latter does seem like
a bug - specifying a directory without a /* should trigger a warning.

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