On 21 Mar 2010, at 10:14 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

No-match of a wildcard must result in an error. If you are arguing that httpd should allow the admin to create conf/vhosts/*, only populated if they are created, then I'll counter that would be fine, just populate conf/vhosts/ empty.conf with no lines, the error would go away, and supporting no-matches is never necessary.

In the wild I see that pattern all the time, a configuration directory containing some equivalent of empty.conf, to work around this limitation. Without this empty.conf file, you run the opposite risk - someone removing the last config file from a directory, and the server suddenly stops working without warning. In our case, web applications are packaged as RPMs, so it's entirely possible for a directory to become empty without warning when an RPM is uninstalled.

As a result, enforcing no-match == fail doesn't buy you anything at all.

I don't have strong opinions either way, the empty.conf directorie in our case are already present, so changing this isn't too much of a problem - I just need to get some sleep first.


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