On 5 Jun 2010, at 03:18, Dennis J. wrote:

> The nginx syntax may look C-like but it really isn't at all. For one thing 
> it's declarative and then you have all kinds of weird behaviors with 
> variables and control structures that make no sense if you're coming from 
> C-like angle.
> I think what Brian is really aiming for is an actual procedural configuration 
> that basically gets executed when a request arrives. Something along the line 
> of:
> function handleReq( req ) {
>  if( req.domain ~ www.test.com ) {
>     documentRoot("/sites/test");
>     customLog("/var/log/test.log","combined");
>     return true;
>  }
> }

mod_perl springs to mind as offering that kind of thing since the year dot.

In trunk we have <If "..expr.."> for the above kind of construct.  Should at 
least be 
an improvement on hacking programmatic config with only single-IF and GOTO
as provided by mod_rewrite.

Nick Kew

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