On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 08:53:03PM +0200, Stefan Fritsch wrote:
> On Sunday 06 June 2010, Brian Pane wrote:
> > As long as the documentation explained to users that they need to
> > have enough memory to accommodate MaxClient *
> > MaxOutputBufferedPerRequest (where the latter is a hypothetical
> > name for a configurable limit on the amount of buffered output),
> > such a feature would be a net win for lots of sites.
> There is already mod_buffer in trunk. From reading the docs, it should 
> be suitable for this purpose. Or is it missing some functionality?

You can get many of the benefits of using a memory buffer in the output 
filter chain very cheaply by increasing SendBufferSize, without the 
extra overhead of an extra filter.

> As an added feature, one could imagine dumping very large responses 
> into a tempfile.

But not that, of course...

Regards, Joe

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