I understand your skepticism, but I am not advocating a complex CA
infrastructure and I have more faith in end users (possibly
misplaced). IMHO, it is reasonable for users to take that extra step
for their banking site or SSL-VPN. It's really not that big a deal to
generate a key pair in PuTTY, I can't imagine it would be that hard in
Firefox. The question about whether it will be immediately and
enthusiastically adopted by end users on their Facebook site is not
the point.

A bank or Paypal does not need to issue certificates. In fact, I
believe that self-signed keys like in the PGP model would be more
appropriate, because that key pair could be used for multiple sites. A
single key pair could be used in different browsers and computers, and
if they are lost, a new key pair could be generated and the old pair
revoked by the user just like in PGP. With self-signed keys, you don't
need to deal with CAs, CRLs, etc., which I agree would be too

Generating a key pair for SSH is pretty trivial, and using a wizard in
Firefox would simplify it enough to be accessible to just about

Yes, authentication boils down to trust. This is the advantage of
using multi-factor authentication. You would then have something you
know (username and password) and something you have (private key).
This is required in the newer PCI & HIPAA requirements as well.

On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net> wrote:
> For those who have a real security need to authenticate their clients in
> this way, and are willing to accept the hassles of this method, it is
> definitely used. However, the idea that a bank or paypal would issue
> certificates for each of its end users can get cumbersome very fast. See,
> the private key would be managed by the user. Users (and even some server
> administrators) are terribly poor at managing their private keys in a safe
> and secure fashion. Some potential complications are a user switching
> browsers, a user switching computers, a user's key becoming compromised,
> loss of the key, etc... On top of that, the signing institution would need
> to be able to keep track of certificates it should no longer accept via
> CRL's and have infrastructure ready to verify the cert is still valid.
> Essentially, the logistics of getting END USERS to generate a key of
> appropriate size (and getting them to keep it safe), send a CSR, sign and
> return a certificate to them as well as the unavoidable technical support
> involved makes this an unattractive option to large institutions because the
> average Internet denizen isn't expected to know how to do this stuff The
> Right Way.
> P.S.
> IMHO, this conversation applies to PKI, X509 client authentication and even
> password authentication... all of these mechanisms boil down to the fact
> that there is some entity that knows who the user is and that your server
> will have to take a leap of faith at some point to trust that the user
> sitting at the keyboard is who they say they are.
> --
> Daniel Ruggeri

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