On 1/20/2012 2:06 PM, Gregg L. Smith wrote:
> Due to the fact that right now, you have to convert to VC9 first, then 
> convert to VC10, I
> have some insight here that I am sure you do as well.

Good point...

> If you have done this, you may remember how long that last conversion takes 
> to accomplish.
> I can convert in VC9 from dsw/dsp in under a minute. The last time I tried 
> converting VC9
> to VC10 it took a long, long time. Minutes, many minutes.
> I would have to assume converting up from VC7 would be same on VC9 as 
> converting 9 to 10.
> Even if not, from 7 to 10 would again, be a slow process.

That is troublesome.  However, it only affects GUI interaction?  It should
not impact .mak based builds.

> This was my technical reason behind my request to keep the dsw/dsp files 
> while also
> supplying VC10 sln/vcproj as well. This way, all are covered, and no one has 
> to wait a
> long time for the conversion. Sure, many are EOL but none the less still in 
> use.

Will consider this.  Or provide a much more efficient transition.

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