On 28 Jan 2012, at 8:29 PM, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

>>> [ ]  Include apr-util 1.4.1 in any httpd 2.2.x
>>> [ ]  Remain at apr-util 1.3.12 in any httpd 2.2.x
> So far, the tally remains
>  1.4.1 - jim, wrowe
>  1.3.12 - [none]
> Anyone else?  Or do people believe this sort of change isn't
> worth some discussion/vote?  Lazy consensus/silence can lead
> to an assortment of assumptions.

Another +1 for v1.4.1. We have a very strict ABI policy for apr and apr-util 
which should mean that within reason v1.4.1 should contain additions and 
bugfixes over v1.3.12, but no changes of existing functionality, and the bump 
is therefore low risk.


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