On 31 Jan 2012, at 5:07 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:

> 6) mod_cache
> ============
> Applied to 2.4.x but not in trunk:
> r1208384 | minfrin | 2011-11-30 12:21:43 +0100 (Wed, 30 Nov 2011) | 4 lines
> mod_cache: Revert http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=revision&revision=1070179
> as per the following thread:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/apache/dev/395830?do=post_view_threaded#395830
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> r1208824 | minfrin | 2011-11-30 23:00:43 +0100 (Wed, 30 Nov 2011) | 4 lines
> Backport:
> mod_cache: Apply the API change that allows future mod_cache providers to
> invalidate cache entries, which will fix PR15868.
> Should both be ported forwards?

Both v2.4 and trunk have the same API signature as intended (no diff between 
mod_cache.h on v2.4 and trunk), is this an actual difference you've just found, 
or is this just following the commit log?


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