On Wed, 2013-07-10 at 03:24 -0500, William A. Rowe Jr. wrote:

> Because the project is incapable of releasing more than two minor
> subversions, per year, at present.

on holiday with a dog slow 3G vpn tonight, so I'll be brief (and wont
see any replies until I return on Sunday...)

I have never agreed with any "release often" principle, a project that
releases often (more than a few times a year) to me says "immature
instability" compared to a project that releases once or twice a year
(barring critical bug resolutions) - IOW, release when necessary not
just because its a "cool thing to do". Take dovecot for instance, we
stayed on the stable 1.2 series for more than a year after it was EOL,
because its 2.0.x kept having fixes and releases every couple of weeks
for a while, admins dont like that, it gives them no warm feelings
towards stability.

WRT slow take up of 2.4.x, I agree, the incentive (as was discussed 2
years or so ago) was to EOL 2.0, and what needs doing now, is starting
the countdown to EOL of 2.2 -  if there's no incentive to move, twenty
years of history proves most admins wont.

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