Behavior seems to be that after the setuid, we don't get the new users
limits -- we just get a one-time check to make sure our currently
single-thread process won't push us over the new users' limit.
Confirmed in /proc/$pid/limits on a child in start_threads() that
roots limit is in place.

On Sat, Nov 9, 2013 at 7:13 AM, Eric Covener <> wrote:
> I was looking at a typical apr_thread_create failure for creating a
> large # of threads on a system, and the only solution was to increase
> roots RLIMIT_NPROC as opposed to the  (httpd.conf configured) "User"
> limits
> But every manpage I read says that after the setuid(), we should have
> the new users limits, which means only tuning those limits should be
> necessary.
> Can anyone explain/translate/debunk?
> I'm doing a single child with 1100 threads.  I toggle root/nobody
> having 1000/1200 available maxuprocs on an idle system. It works when
> root has 1200 and nobody has 1000, and not the other way around.
> --
> Eric Covener

Eric Covener

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