I've updated the gdoc as "proxying and load balancing"

> On Dec 1, 2014, at 8:15 PM, Daniel Ruggeri <drugg...@primary.net> wrote:
> On 11/30/2014 11:08 AM, Jeff Trawick wrote:
>> * deploying Python web apps under uWSGI behind mod_proxy_fcgi/scgi
>> (some material
>> here: http://emptyhammock.com/projects/info/pyweb/index.html)
>> * a debugging tricks talk I've given a few times (relatively minor
>> updates from the last North America AC)
>> * drastically updated (rewritten) version of an old
>> capacity-tuning-and-performance talk I gave at a Sun conference in
>> 2009
>> (https://blogs.oracle.com/trawick/resource/DeepDive/WebStackDeepDiveApache.pdf)
> Similarly, I'm always up for giving my proxy talk if it's welcome (after
> the first day since I can't make it until Tues). If we think proxy is a
> big topic, we ought to arrange for a general overview like my proxy talk
> followed by more specific deep dives such as what Jeff mentions here and
> a session on new sexiness like WebSockets. Tuning for throughput is also
> an interesting topic and in line with the conversations lately (Re:
> commercial support).
> A side note on SSL/security: I had the idea a few years back that there
> is probably enough content to do a "here is 5 minutes about how to
> configure SSL in httpd" and then 50 minutes of other important security
> topics (What Ciphers should I enable? Should I use SSLv3 any more? How
> to treat my keys and what the hell is an HSM anyway? Passphrase
> encrypted keys or not? Should I trust my distro's build?). Thoughts are
> welcome on that topic... not sure if I'm overly paranoid or if these are
> things that people actually want to hear?
> -- 
> Daniel Ruggeri

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