On 17/11/2015 19:24, Graham Leggett wrote:
On 17 Nov 2015, at 07:13, Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net> wrote:

??? We only had 2.4.17  5 weeks ago, why the rush?

We have improvements, why make people wait?


You run into complacency dangers if you end up in a "release very often" mode, take phpmyadmin as one example, most admins I know gave up updating it, because there were updates every week, sometimes every few days, Marc has accepted this is a serious problem and unless a critical security bug is found, , normal bug fixes releases will be only once per month if need be, take dovecot, not so bad now days but in years gone by, it too released weekly or bi-weekly and a lot of people got pissed and stopped updating it too.

Projects that "release often" are seen by most admins I talk to (from around the world too, not just locally) as unstable and to be avoided, not something we want to see here with nginx already take a good share inm recent times, and only getting more of it.

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