On 17/11/2015 18:02, Stefan Eissing wrote:
Am 17.11.2015 um 08:13 schrieb Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net>:

On 17/11/2015 03:05, Jim Jagielski wrote:
My plan is to T&R 2.4.18 sometime next week in hopes of a formal
release the beginning of Dec.

??? We only had 2.4.17  5 weeks ago, why the rush?

Uhm. When would be a better time for you to get fixes and functional


when there is
1/ serious security issue that need to be addresses immediately, or,
2/ when there are enough stable new functions to warrant it - just like every other project out there that has a stable product.

We need to loose this desire to release often mentality, I can accept every 3 or 4 months which is how its generally been done in the past, but 5 or 6 bloody weeks? thats a concern, for reasons I outlayed to Graham, it says, " ohh its flawed release, and when it happens a few times people think " oh FFS, must be more stable software than this" and over time the userbase dwindles away.

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