very very cool!

> On Feb 8, 2016, at 12:07 PM, Stefan Eissing <> 
> wrote:
> FYI: I just checked in a very experimental mod_proxy_http2 that registers on 
> h2:// and h2c:// proxy URLs. I did this naming to have the module totally 
> separate from mod_proxy_http, not wanting to make a mess. So a sample 
> configuration looks like:
>    <IfModule proxy_http2_module>
>        <Proxy "balancer://h2-local">
>            BalancerMember "h2://"
>        </Proxy>
>        ProxyPass "/h2proxy" "balancer://h2-local"
>        ProxyPassReverse "/h2proxy" "balancer://h2-local"
>    </IfModule>
> For this to work I added a connection note "proxy-request-alpn-protos" that 
> is used by mod_ssl to set the ALPN protocols on the SSL instance.
> The module so far re-uses connections from earlier requests, but does not do 
> parallel requests on one connection. So, there is no real benefit in using 
> that right now. The idea is to get it working nicely with frontend 
> connections done via HTTP/2 so that multiple HTTP/2 streams on the same 
> frontend connection use a single proxy connection. That would be one step 
> into usefulness.
> For the time being, I do not foresee this it be back ported to 2.4.x until 
> more work is done here.
> One thing: the ssl_hostname that is used for SNI by the generic proxy utils 
> seems to get lost when the socket needs to reset and is then not available on 
> the next connect. That should affect mod_proxy_http as far as I can tell. 
> Maybe someone with more experience in that module wants to take a look.
> Cheers,
>  Stefan
> PS. I did not update Windows Makefiles. I feel bad.

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