On Fri, Dec 23, 2016 at 3:28 PM, William A Rowe Jr <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote:
> Next step is to actually end enhancements alltogether
> against 2.4 (we've done that some time ago, security
> issues notwithstanding, on 2.2), and push all of the
> enhancement effort towards 3.0 (2.5-dev). Of course,
> we should continue to pick up bug fixes and help those
> still on 2.4 have a good day.
> Let those users looking for cool new things pick up
> the 3.0 release.

What's the carrot for users/developers in a 2.6/3.0? I'm not sure
they'd come along for this ride.  To play devils advocate, it seems
like many of the breaking changes could be imposed by having
deprecated fields/accessors (maybe moving to more of the latter) and
preferred alternatives (to avoid major MMN bumps).

Anyone with ideas about what they'd want in a new release is
encouraged to add them to the trunk STATUS file, even if they are just
wishlist items -- it's not a commitment.

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