On 07/14/2017 02:29 AM, Luca Toscano wrote:
http://home.apache.org/~elukey/httpd-2.4.x-mod_proxy_fcgi-force_flush-v3.patch created, I tested it quickly and it seems working fine (still unsure about using r->connection->pool vs conn->pool in palloc). More tests following in the weekend :)
Some thoughts:

- This will flush each time a POLLIN event is successfully handled, even if the event doesn't cause data to be put on the brigade (as is the case for STDERR or END_REQUEST records, or for the empty end-of-stream record).

- While we're waiting for a POLLIN event in auto-flush mode, we're not listening to POLLOUT events. Seems like we could/should merge the apr_poll calls into one. I'm playing around with that now.


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