- No, I will not change the endless retry behaviour.
I still not see the reason for retries on all the errors, I am not aware of other modules doing it this way.

But Ok, when mdnotifycmd on error is added (see other post feature request). Then I vote a SUPER +1 for an experimental release.

User are going to be happy with mdnotifycmd on error, had already requests. Now it only triggered when it is OK, which is not logical.

See for a mdnotifycmd script see : https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=36054#36054

- Yes, I expect people to check their server logs, somehow. Either manual or with some tools. There is more than mod_md that can have trouble and every module implementing its own
  solution is not a good service for users.
Be aware that most users only check there logs when there is an issue. Agree a standard for every module (the retry is not standard behavior), but mod_md log messages must be more clear to see what is going on, see also next point.

- Yes, I think some log levels need adjustment, e.g. when LE cannot be reached at all.
Let me know which one you pick. We had mentions on GIT about this.

- Yes, I think there should be a high level NOTICE log entry when a certificate could not
  be renewed and the existing one only last a couple of days.

Agree, plus a mdnotifycmd should be nice.

All that said: I do not want to make more changes to mod_md before a release. If we find a serious error, sure. But otherwise I'd rather enhance the documentation for now.
Looks here you are bikeshedding my reports/requests (again). What is serious, an introduction with too much user questions is not good. Consider me as a user in this case.

I spend tons of hours in testing mod_md (I am not paid). My only goal was to get quality and a usable function set for our users, and not to frustrate you. Looks you are only interested now to get it in httpd as quickly as possible, I can only guess the reason for your pressing.

If you want to add some Windows specific advice to the mod_md XML, please do so.
At the moment no advice. On Apache Lounge users can follow the dev at http://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=7786

For windows there is still testing and work (like cmake) to be done. I did not tested completely the .dsp/mak etc. I see in trunk there are still changes on the way, so when voting starts for 2.4.30 then I shall test all again.



On Tuesday 12/12/2017 at 14:49, Stefan Eissing  wrote:

Am 12.12.2017 um 14:37 schrieb Steffen <i...@apachelounge.com>:

The curl error was just to show you the debug log entries which you asked.

This curl error we discussed by mail already in the very beginning (mod_md does not work with curl openssl on Windows).

1.1.0 is working  fine so far.

I am only testing rare cases  (you asked to test).

I see. I did not understand you before. I suspected you had a real error with v1.1.0.

As to your design proposals:
- No, I will not change the endless retry behaviour.
- Yes, I expect people to check their server logs, somehow. Either manual or with some tools. There is more than mod_md that can have trouble and every module implementing its own
   solution is not a good service for users.
- Yes, I think some log levels need adjustment, e.g. when LE cannot be reached at all. - Yes, I think there should be a high level NOTICE log entry when a certificate could not
   be renewed and the existing one only last a couple of days.

All that said: I do not want to make more changes to mod_md before a release. If we find a serious error, sure. But otherwise I'd rather enhance the documentation for now.

If you want to add some Windows specific advice to the mod_md XML, please do so.



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