Thanks for checking. I merged the change Yann mentioned and travis is 
considering maybe starting the ci suite some day in the future...we'll see.

> Am 17.05.2022 um 15:33 schrieb Rainer Jung <>:
> Forget the below. The real error was already detected by others and 25.000 
> lines higher in the console output:
> t/modules/heartbeat.t             (Wstat: 0 Tests: 1 Failed: 1)
>  Failed test:  1
> Files=141, Tests=7232, 130 wallclock secs ( 2.85 usr  0.26 sys + 47.35 cusr 
> 10.50 csys = 60.96 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> Failed 1/141 test programs. 1/7232 subtests failed.
> ...
> Am 17.05.2022 um 15:24 schrieb Rainer Jung:
>> Not yet a full explanation but:
>> - the build fails due to "The job exceeded the maximum log length, and has 
>> been terminated." shortly before line 30.000
>> - the difference to the succeeeding "Linux Ubuntu Focal, ASan" is, that the 
>> ErrorLog of the run is not part of this log output handled by Travis.
>> - the lines you saw look pretty normal to me (depending on the modules we 
>> build). And it is not the exact same line repeating, but just the same type 
>> of line for every request executed during the tests.
>> I guess, the build configs differ, so that travis handled the ErrorLog 
>> differently?
>> Best regards,
>> Rainer

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