> posting/content management privileges to the Iceberg YouTube channel for
these meetup recordings

This sounds reasonable to me, when the meetup is recurring. So I am good
with doing this for the Seattle meetup series. We have technically already
done so for Bits for the community sync meeting series.



On Thu, Jul 18, 2024 at 1:23 PM Jonathan Leang <leangjonat...@gmail.com>

> Hey all,
> I have a question related to some questions about shared administration of
> Apache Iceberg social/marketing channels such as YouTube in this specific
> instance. Kevin Liu and I have organized the first Seattle Iceberg meetups
> and it looks like there will be a steady stream of technical talks about
> things like proposals and more generally recent developments in the
> project. Bits (Brian Olsen) helped us get the most recent meetup posted on
> the Apache Iceberg YouTube channel but we're hoping not to bother him every
> month. We're wondering if Kevin and/or I can get posting/content management
> privileges to the Iceberg YouTube channel for these meetup recordings.
> We asked Bits and he replied:
> It would be good to have some trusted people + PMC coordinate the social +
> marketing channels. In many projects I either see nobody really owning it
> and it becomes abandoned over time and other times I see it primarily run
> through one or two companies or individuals which doesn't scale. It would
> be great if a small group of trusted volunteers comanage these marketing
> channels with similar guidelines on how to coordinate when, channel
> "voice", and following standard ASF COC guidelines, etc...
> Perhaps Bits and/or a PMC member could take on the responsibility of
> building out the guidance on how to run this without too much overlap or
> interference as it scales out.
> Thanks!
> Jonathan Leang

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