On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 9:52 AM, Andrey Gura <ag...@gridgain.com> wrote:

> Igniters,
> There are cases when Ignite cluster nodes work on different environments
> and JDKs (versions and/or vendors). GridDiscoveryManager class contains
> check that all nodes in topology ran under JDKs with the same major Java
> version and throws exception if check failed. I want to replace this on
> warning message. So I have two questions:
> 1. Is there any objections about it?

I agree. Ignite should allow nodes with different JDKs join the cluster.

> 2. What message will be more informative than current one ("Local node's
> java major version is different from remote node's one
> [locJvmMajVer=<locJvmMajVer>, rmtJvmMajVer=<rmtJvmMajVer>]")?

How about:
Local java version is different from remote [loc=<locJvmMajVer>,

> --
> Andrey Gura
> GridGain Systems, Inc.
> www.gridgain.com

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