On Thu, Oct 08, 2015 at 12:46PM, Dmitriy Setrakyan wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 12:28 PM, Konstantin Boudnik <c...@apache.org> wrote:
> > This conversation reminds me of the situation with Spark and akka that I
> > just
> > ran into. Or rather with Akka and the way they designed the remote
> > execution.
> > The situation is actually _completely_ ridiculous. I stood up a small Spark
> > cluster and then tried to submit a job into it, which had some
> > Spark dependencies. The way the job is written it pulls the dependencies
> > automatically from the maven repo. To my horror, the job was crashing
> > because
> > local and remote serialIDs of the classes differed, although the dependency
> > versions were the same. The root cause is this: the versions are compiled
> > with
> > the same version of JDK (like JDK7) or something, but one is Open and the
> > other one is Oracle's.
> >
> > I think this is a very shaky way of designing the software for distributed
> > environments and it badly complicates the operation and integration of the
> > clusters. It clearly shows the lack practical experience beyond the
> > academic
> > ivory towers on the account of Akka guys. RPC, while not without its own
> > issues, allows to get around such problems with ease.
> >
> > I guess what I am saying: aren't we trying to find an even more complex
> > solution for already pretty tough problem?
> >
> I think that the problem you are describing is not the same. What we are
> solving here is, for example, ability to run Ignite with IBM WebSphere on
> the client side and OpenJDK on the server side.
> This issue has little to do with dependencies, and mostly with removing a
> legacy restriction from the project about matching JDK versions.

The problem is the same: the use of dynamic dependencies just illustrates it
clearly. Different JDKs are producing different serial.vers. of the classes
and it will come and haunt you one way or another. The manifestation of the
problem could be different, but you can count that the problem will be there
for you on any heterogeneous cluster.


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