On Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 11:32 AM, Dmitriy Setrakyan <dsetrak...@apache.org> wrote: > While all the candidates suggested so far look good, I would propose Denis > Magda as the next PMC chair. His participation in the project does not only > have to do with the code, but also with Ignite project overall, including > website, documentation, new tickets, design, etc.
Sorry to come to this thread rather late, but I wanted to offer a somewhat different perspective that hopefully can help reframe this discussion a little bit. Note, that what I'm about to say is coming from a non-coding (on Ignite) member of the PMC. In fact, I stayed on the PMC after graduation more with my ASF member hat on, rather than as somebody who wanted to directly contribute to where the technology was going. My concern during your incubation days was (and still is!) how well are you guys doing on the community development front. If you recall, the diversity requirement (the fact that more than 80% of project members work for the same company) came up during our graduation. While it wasn't a blocking requirement it still was a very valid concern. Monocultures are really nasty for open source communities. I think it would be fair to say that Ignite community hasn't really improved much diversity-wise since its graduation. And I honestly feel that this is, to a larger extent, because the focus is now missing. It was well understood that in order to graduate the community had to do all it can to demonstrate a positive trajectory in that direction. And we did. But we kind of dropped the ball on it since. With that in mind, I offer my view on what a change in the Chair could offer: a renewed focus on community growth and development. If you agree with this premise than somebody like Branko or Cos who could act as a forcing function to constantly remind us about what else can we do to grow and develop this community would be an ideal choice for the Chair (after all Branko's "tough love" was probably the most useful part of Ignite's experience in the Incubator). Now, of course, strictly speaking you don't have to be a Chair to do that. But lets face it -- that helps. And besides, a project's Chair doesn't really have any special powers when it comes to technological consensus, but anything that has to do with external community the VP title that the chair gets can help quite a bit. Long story short: if Branko or Cos (as former mentors) would like to commit to 6 more months of the same hands-on mentorship focused on community development -- they would have my wholehearted support. Thanks, Roman (with my PMC member hat on).