
What's your confluence id? For some reason, I can't add you using the email

Agree, that it's the right move to split the pull-request. Btw, keep the
dev list in the copy, no need to exclude from the recipients' list.


On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 1:10 PM Michael Pollind <mpoll...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I created an account in confluence with mpoll...@gmail.com.
> I also took some time yesterday to split my work just for the ignite-core
> and ignite-cache stuff:
> https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-ignite/pull/33
> This should be more approachable.
> On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 9:44 AM Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Michael, welcome to the community!
>> Igniters, let me introduce you to Michael, who is working on the Micronaut
>> integration for Ignite
>> <https://github.com/micronaut-projects/micronaut-ignite>. Even though
>> the integration is hosted in the Micronaut repository, I thought it's in
>> our interest to help Michael with the APIs design and support with other
>> Ignite-specific challenges he might hit on the road. @Saikat Maitra, @Ilya
>> Kasnacheev, @Valentin Kulichenko, I would appreciate if you folks get
>> involved, at least, in the API design phase.
>> Michael, answering your questions
>> So I already have 2 implemented but I'm not really sure what you mean by
>>> autostart for number 1? so at the moment I have the thin-client omitted
>>> just for simplicity and I think it could just be added in afterwards. I'm
>>> not sure how important it is in the whole scheme of things since this is my
>>> first time really looking at ignite. we can start there and figure out
>>> those details.
>> Instead of the autostart, I was intended to say the autoconfigure
>> feature, which is a Spring Boot term
>> <https://apacheignite-mix.readme.io/docs/spring-boot#autoconfiguration-of-apache-ignite-servers-and-clients>.
>> Sorry for the confusion. Anyway, that's when Micronaut automatically starts
>> an Ignite client instance based on configuration settings. As you confirmed
>> below, the integration logic already does this.
>> When we design new public APIs, we frequently take advantage of Ignite
>> Wiki by creating design documents that comprise an API interface with code
>> samples showing how a developer is supposed to use the API.
>> You tweak the APIs with code samples until those are settled. This
>> approach helps to assess the APIs from the end-user standpoint and avoid
>> common design mistakes before coding and releasing a feature for public
>> usage. Furthermore, such design pages are an excellent source for a
>> technical documentation that you create regardless. Check the "Key
>> Interfaces" and "Examples" sections of the tracing feature's design page
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-48%3A+Tracing>.
>> So, my suggestion to you would be as follows:
>>    - Create the Micronaut Integration page under the Design Documents
>>    tree
>>    <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/Design+Documents>.
>>    Sign up on the wiki and tell me your email/id. I'll grant you all the
>>    required editing permissions.
>>    - On that page, create a section for the autoconfigure feature by
>>    listing all possible configuration parameters the user can pass in YAML
>>    files and examples of how a client instance can be injected in application
>>    logic. Guess, thin and thick clients will be configured differently.
>>    - Another section should be related to the Micronaut Caching API.
>>    Again, public Ignite-specific APIs we're adding to Micronaut and how the
>>    user is supposed to use those.
>> Once the page is ready, we'll start brainstorming on the APIs together
>> using this discussion thread.
>> 3 is giving me some problems since the SQL generated does not match up.
>>> ignite rejected the query when I have auto generated fields in the DDL
>>> statement and I've also dropped the scheme from the SQL and used the scheme
>>> to resolve the target cache. I'm using SqlFieldsQuery to make the request
>>> but there seems to be a few query options:
>> If you'd like to carry on with this part of the integration, then I would
>> start a separate discussion on the dev list. Or just put it off for a bit
>> until we sort out the clients' configuration and Micronaut Caching APIs.
>> -
>> Denis
>> On Thu, Aug 13, 2020 at 1:16 PM Michael Pollind <mpoll...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Denis Magda
>>> So I already have 2 implemented but I'm not really sure what you mean by
>>> autostart for number 1? so at the moment I have the thin-client omitted
>>> just for simplicity and I think it could just be added in afterwards. I'm
>>> not sure how important it is in the whole scheme of things since this is my
>>> first time really looking at ignite. we can start there and figure out
>>> those details.
>>> here is the application.yml that i currently have for a basic
>>> configuration. I'm using the bean definitions from spring to do this:
>>> ignite:
>>>   enabled: true
>>>   clients:
>>>     default:
>>>       path: classpath:standard.cfg
>>> 3 is giving me some problems since the SQL generated does not match up.
>>> ignite rejected the query when I have auto generated fields in the DDL
>>> statement and I've also dropped the scheme from the SQL and used the scheme
>>> to resolve the target cache. I'm using SqlFieldsQuery to make the request
>>> but there seems to be a few query options:
>>> [image: image.png]
>>> @IgniteRepository(value = "default", schema = "mydb")
>>>> public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long> {
>>>> }
>>> so I created an account on the apache ignite forum:
>>> http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=user_profile
>>> I wouldn't mind starting a thread to start planning out the API.
>>> From,
>>> Michael Pollind

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