I think it is necessary to open the issue of github, because it is the first 
place that users think of to submit problems, but it is not related to the 
tracking of jira! In the traditional enterprise development, let alone let the 
customer use issue to submit the problem, even let him write to paper is very 
rare thing... So if, as teacher jiang ning said, jira is a necessary place, 
then we developers should pay attention to using it, but it is better to 
discuss with users on issue than using dingtalk! So my conclusion is, open 
issue, but our community developers to do, should first input jira, then 
development! This is a place for intuitive discussion with users

On 12/31/2019 14:32, Xiangdong Huang wrote:
Hi all,

This topic was recently discussed at [1]. Actually, we have discussed the
same topic one year ago, see [2] and [3].

I resubmit this discussion because we notice that Chinese users are hard to
access JIRA. They have to use VPN while many normal users have no ability
to do that.
I think it is a block to popularize IoTDB.

However, JIRA has its advantages such like release management, as mentioned
by Willem Jiang.

So,  do we open Github Issue and guide users to submit issues to github?
and close JIRA or not?

Please show your opinions and I think we can have a vote after discussion.


Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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