Hi Andreas,

thanks for doing this work, very happy to see the codebase being tidied up
and you bringing in some useful utility classes.

One question though ...

Obviously in the future when we're on Java 9, this package can be made
truly private and hidden from other consumers.  But in the meantime, is
there any reason to have these classes within applib, given that they are
intended only for use by the framework, and not by domain applications?

In the isis-core-metamodel module (upon which most other stuff in the
framework depends) we have org.apache.isis.core.common package, could it go

Or, if you'd rather create a new isis-core-commons module, to sit between
applib and metamodel, that'd also make sense to me.

Let me know,


On Wed, 24 Jan 2018 at 07:14 Andreas Huber <a.hu...@corax.at> wrote:

> Hi Folks!
> I'd like to give a summary of changes introduced with branch
> ISIS-1846_internal_utils that's meant for version 2.0.0. (Ready for
> review and comments.)
> In order to consolidate recurring code fragments and idioms, we gather
> these within an Internal API which ...
> * is shared among the entire code base (except unittestsupport)
> * has explicit java-doc warnings 'internal use only ... likely to change
> without notice'
> * is gathered within org.apache.isis.applib.internal.xxx
> * has naming convention: class-names should be prefixed with underscore (_)
> * has naming suggestion: package private support classes should follow
> 'mixin naming style'
> * is not part of the public API and will be access restricted once Java
> 9 will be in place
> = Internal API Summary [1]
> == _Constants
> * as the name suggests, a collection of immutable recurring immutables
> * helps to reduce heap pollution (at least a little bit)
> == _Casts
> * collection of common type casting use-cases
> * by now we have only one: unchecked casts
> == _NullSafe
> * shortcuts for common null-check idioms
> * shortcuts for common empty-check idioms
> * convenient ways for null-safe stream creation
> == _Strings
> * all use-cases are implemented null-safe (we handle null inputs properly)
> * has some basic building blocks like 'trim', 'upper', 'lower',
> 'capitalize'
> * can combine building blocks via unary-operator composition
> * more complex string processing operators are provided via mixins
> * convenient string splitting via Stream<String> splitThenStream(input,
> separator)
> == _Comparators
> * complex recurring comparators (e.g. dewey-order) are provided via mixins
> == _Context
> * provides a mechanism for storing and retrieving singletons
> * needed to replaces static fields in our code-base that have a
> application-scoped life-cycle
> * could be backed with CDI once we have it, by now uses a static hash-map
> == _Exceptions
> provides recurring exception creation idioms like
> * 'unexpected code reach' or
> * 'case not handled' in switch statements
> == _Reflect
> Since we use an external reflection API (reflections.org), we refactored
> all use-cases throughout our code-base (except unittestsupport) to
> access 'reflections.org' only via the interfaces now provided by
> _Reflect. This allows for easy replacement under the hood, if needed.
> Maven dependencies have been updated, such that 'reflections.org' is
> only a compile-dependency for isis-core-applib (and unittestsupport) but
> this dependency is not transitive (meaning, its not propagated to the
> other core-projects).
> Cheers Andi!
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/isis/tree/ISIS-1846_internal_utils/core/applib/src/main/java/org/apache/isis/applib/internal

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