Thx Dan!

Giving just quick answers inline ...

Cheers, Andi!

On 25.01.2018 23:05, Dan Haywood wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
> thanks for doing this work, very happy to see the codebase being tidied up
> and you bringing in some useful utility classes.
> One question though ...
> Obviously in the future when we're on Java 9, this package can be made
> truly private and hidden from other consumers.  But in the meantime, is
> there any reason to have these classes within applib, given that they are
> intended only for use by the framework, and not by domain applications?
When refactoring applib, I felt the need for a place, where we could put
utility classes, that we can share among the entire(!) core code base,
without having to care too much about changes without notice. Since
every other module depends on applib, except for 'unittestsupport' and I
guess 'schema', applib seemed to be the natural place for this.
> In the isis-core-metamodel module (upon which most other stuff in the
> framework depends) we have org.apache.isis.core.common package, could it go
> there?
This would exclude applib from access to the internal API. (Which in my
refactored version requires access to the new _Reflect and _Context
classes, and makes heavy use of _NullSafe.)
> Or, if you'd rather create a new isis-core-commons module, to sit between
> applib and metamodel, that'd also make sense to me.
>From my point of view, a technical solution could be to have the
internal API in a separate module, but share it also with applib!
> Let me know,
> thx
> Dan

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