Marcel Reutegger a écrit :
Jackrabbit currently supports a limited set of XPath features, basically the mandatory feature set as specified by jsr-170 plus some extended capability where predicates can stated.

I would like to invite everyone (or at least whoever is interested...) to put together a list of 3 query features that are missing the most in jsr-170/jackrabbit regarding XPath support. Of course you may post a longer list but I'm primarily interested in getting a feeling where the priorities are.

e.g. here is my list:

1) child axis support in predicates. See also:

2) fn:name() and some of the functions for substring matching
This allows more sophisticated matching of node names. currently only '*' and exact name are possible.

3) union operator
searching only under certain nodes excluding the jcr:system node is currently not possible. Using union operator would allow this.


My two first points would be same as yours :

1) Add more axis support (child axis and maybe ascendant axis, to be able to construct queries such as "//element(*, whatever)/..")
2) To be able to query Nodes names.

And I would add :

3) To be able to order on Node names (eg "//* order by fn:name()"), and also to be able to choose the case sensibility of a query ordering (eg "//* order by @whatever case insensitive")


Cédric Damioli
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 00 52 90
Fax : +33 (0)5 61 00 51 46

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