At this moment, I only have 2 query features at my wish list: 1) use of fn:lower-case() and fn:upper-case() while searching property-values At this moment, full-text search with jcr:contains is case-insensitive, while other searches are case-sensitive. I would like to execute queries like: //*[fn:lower-case(@my:title)="test"] and //*[jcr:like(fn:lower-case(@title),'tes%')]
2) child axis support in predicates Regards, Aarnout Marcel Reutegger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03-04-2006 09:13 Please respond to To cc Subject query feature extensions Jackrabbit currently supports a limited set of XPath features, basically the mandatory feature set as specified by jsr-170 plus some extended capability where predicates can stated. I would like to invite everyone (or at least whoever is interested...) to put together a list of 3 query features that are missing the most in jsr-170/jackrabbit regarding XPath support. Of course you may post a longer list but I'm primarily interested in getting a feeling where the priorities are. e.g. here is my list: 1) child axis support in predicates. See also: 2) fn:name() and some of the functions for substring matching This allows more sophisticated matching of node names. currently only '*' and exact name are possible. 3) union operator searching only under certain nodes excluding the jcr:system node is currently not possible. Using union operator would allow this. regards marcel De informatie in dit e-mailbericht (inclusief aanhangsels) is vertrouwelijk en is alleen bestemd voor de beoogde ontvanger(s). Indien u dit bericht onterecht heeft ontvangen, wordt u verzocht het bericht te retourneren en de ontvangen informatie op geen enkele wijze te gebruiken. The information contained in this e-mail (attachments included) may be confidential and is intended solely for the person(s) indicated in the message. Should you have received this e-mail unintentionally, please return it to the sender and do not use the content of the message in any way.