
On 1/17/07, Raphael Wegmueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
so what would happen if you had to release a "real" patch to jackrabbit 1.2.1?
would it be versioned then? or 1.2.2?

It would be 1.2.x (x >= 2), depending on which release candidate
passes all testing and the release vote.

how about always suffixing release candidates that are voted on with
-rcN, and after acceptance releasing the same binaries again, this
time without suffixes? their md5 checksums would be identical, so
there should be no confusion as to which rc it is, and the release
would have the proper version.

Good idea, but unfortunately we have the version number embedded
within the packages. It is included for example in the jar manifest
and in the Maven POM found in both in the source and binary packages.


Jukka Zitting

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