
On 1/17/07, Christoph Kiehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jukka Zitting wrote:
> Good idea, but unfortunately we have the version number embedded
> within the packages. It is included for example in the jar manifest
> and in the Maven POM found in both in the source and binary packages.

Why not just change the version in the pom.xml to 1.2.0-rc1 before doing the rcX
release? If you use the maven release plugin this means no extra work at all.
This way files like manifest etc should contain the right version number. If
there are files that don't take the version number of the pom.xml, we should
consider adjust the build process.

This is exactly what we do. The problem is that we can't use the -rcN
builds for the final release vote since we don't want the -rcN suffix
to be a part of the official release packages.


Jukka Zitting

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