
Am Mittwoch, den 16.04.2008, 15:21 +0200 schrieb Thomas Mueller:
> Hi,
> I think we agree that we disagree.

Very true ! The problem is that many people have use cases which are
deemed by other people as invalid or at least as not important ... This
is not the way to go !

> > sling/jcrapp
> This sounds like the 'server' model.

Not really, it is really model 4: It may be used as a server and - by
deploying OSGi bundles into the same OSGi framework instance - it can be
used as an embedded repository.

>  My concern is that is internally
> uses Jackrabbit specific classes directly.

Yes, internally and in one single location: The same class which creates
the Repository instance also shuts it down. IMHO it is valid to use
internal methods in this way. And yes, I would rather cast the
Repository to some interface - e.g. JackrabbitRepository - than to the
implementation class.

>  P.S. Maybe you want to
> tweak the name a bit... Somehow it reminds me of Crap4J
> (http://www.crap4j.org/). Sorry, just joking.

Hehe, if you get me better short name, your are my friend ;-)


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