
I think jackrabbit should not manage data sources but rather obtain them through JNDI. there are lots of existing JNDI implementations and containers that allow you to configure data sources and make them available through JNDI.


Matej Knopp wrote:

we've encountered a serious problem with jackrabbit - keeping a
database connection for each active workspace.
A jira entry already exists [1] and it's targetted for 1.5, but so far
there hasn't seem to be much activity.

I'm willing to provide a patch that might be of some help to you, but
first I'd like to have some things clarified of how the thing should
work (from user perspective).

My idea so far is to have new config section (toplevel, inside
<Repository>) that would allow to register data sources

Something like

        <DataSource id="ds1" class="com.mypackage.MyDataSource">
                <param name="url" value="jdbc:postgresql:jackrabbittest"/>
                <param name="user" value="postgres"/>
                <param name="password" value="postgres"/>

Multiple data sources could be defined per repository.

Jackrabbit would create and manage data source instances (each class
is required to implement DataSource interface).

All components that require a SQL connection would have dataSource
attribute that would specify the data source instance.


                <param name="dataSource" value="ds1"/>
                <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="${wsp.name}_"/>
                <param name="externalBLOBs" value="false"/>           

Alternatively there might be also a way to register data source per
workspace, so the instance would be workspace specific. Though I
personally don't see much value in this.

It would be great to get any feedback on this.

Kind regards,
-Matej Knopp

[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/JCR-1456

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