On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Stefan Guggisberg
<stefan.guggisb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:24 AM, Tobias Bocanegra <tri...@day.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Tobias Bocanegra
>>> <tobias.bocane...@day.com> wrote:
>>>> i would like to drop the builtin .xml file and read the builtin node types
>>>> only from the .cnd file and additionally add support for a 
>>>> "custom_nodetypes.cnd".
>>>> this will make the node types file much more readable and offers users a 
>>>> simpler
>>>> way of providing their node types.
>>> I'm a bit afraid that making the file more readable will just
>>> encourage more people to modify it directly. :-(
>> well, but that's security by obscurity :-) but it certainly helps the
>> developers. furthermore, all the node types in jsr283 are now speced
>> in CND, and converting them to XML is a pain and error prone.
>>> Instead, couldn't we store the node type information as actual nodes
>>> in the same persistence manager we currently use for versioning
>>> information? This way we could get rid of the current virtual item
>>> states we use for exposing the node types under /jcr:system. Storing
>>> the type information as content would also simplify clustering,
>>> backups, etc.
>> hmm, i think you're talking about something else :-). storing the
>> registered (builtin and custom) nodetypes in the persistence manager
>> (instead of the custom.xml) would certainly be a big advantage. the
>> 'versioning' workspace should then be the general "rep:system" shared
>> tree.
>> i was talking about installing the initial set of nodetypes, like:
>> nt:base :-) those are currently stored as resource in
>> builtin_nodetypes.xml, and i would like to replace it with the
>> (already present) .cnd aequivalent.
> +1
ok, i will create a jira issue + patch.

> WRT custom_nodetypes.cnd:
> -0, i do share jukka's concerns. with hindsight i consider it a
> mistake storing the registered custom node type definitions
> in a human readable format ;)
you're right - but it was a long time the only way for adding node
types to the system.
maybe we can drop the support that file for jr 2.0 and use the
jcr:system/jcr:nodetypes as a store for them.
currently i don't see any chicken-egg problems for the jcr:system
workspace, since it contains only nodes with builtin node types.

regards, toby

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