Any chance we could accelerate the schedule a little bit?   Maybe aim
for 1 week of user testing followed the formal release process?  It
would happen to work out well for me if the release was final at least
a few days before the end of the month (around say the 25th or 26th).
All this baring any showstoppers of course.

I've already started running the snapshot, and things seem to work well.


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:05 AM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
> Steve, Rob, all,
> OK - let's do it!
> If we aim for 2 weeks of user community tests then see where we are.
> (If we aren't getting reports there's little point waiting longer IMO.)  The
> formal release process takes 3-5 days.
> The message to users@ is about to go ... if you have anything to add to it,
> just reply on users@
> Start twittering and getting the word out ...
>         Andy

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