On 13/02/13 14:17, Simon Helsen wrote:
I happen to have Mario's store in my workspace and I didn't observe any
obvious issues in terms of compilation other than the package renames, but
I didn't run our test suite yet because some adaptations will (likely) be
required on his side. I've asked Mario to check what needs to be done if
we were to upgrade, the reason being that if our part of the organization
upgrades, it is desirable if Mario's part upgrades as well. If Mario's
effort to adjust is small enough, I should be able to run our own test
suite against Mario's store adjusted for 2.10.0 and check if there are any
obvious issues or regressions.


Thanks for the report - it was the update engine interface changes that could have been relevant but if the code subclasses or uses the main update engine, then there are no changes, I think. It's implementing the update engine interface directly that's a discontinuity. Going forward the streaming might be quite useful to the DB2/RDF store.

For my general understanding of the migration, which package name changes are affecting you most? deprecations or lose of functionality? There is some compatibility classes left in org.openjena but they will not be perfect in mapping the functionality through to o.a.jena.riot.


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