Thanks for the clarification. I had made a combined version to start testing and hopefully it's a close approximation of the intended deliverables.

[ Ying - how's your testing going? ]

A few things about the pull requests so far:

0/ More tests in TestQuery in Fuseki:

For example, this should show up:

1/ QueryEngineHttp.execConstructDataset is not implemented.

2/ SPARQL_Query:

This line

   if ( ! rdfMediaType.getType().equals("*") ) {

means that only "Accept: *" will trigger dataset results.

then in ResponseDataset

MediaType i = ConNeg.chooseContentType(request, DEF.quadsOffer, DEF.acceptNQuads) ;

will always choose TriG because the accept is "*" ("output=" works but that is overriding content negotiation).

There is no way to ask for a specific syntax (n-quads, trig, JSON-LD) using "Accept:"

e.g. "Accept: application/n-quads"

3/ ResponseDataset is copy of ResponseModel yet the only differences (after reformatting) are different data values and

 <             RDFDataMgr.write(out, dataset, lang) ;
 >             RDFDataMgr.write(out, model, lang) ;

It is not good to have copied code because it makes maintenance harder.

(2) and (3) can be addressed by

A/ SPARQL_Query:

For CONSTRUCT, always work in datasets; execConstructDataset().
No need for mention of Models. if it's a triples CONSTRUCT, treating as a dataset will simply put the results in to the default graph.


Following on from that, treating datasets as a natural extension of models. There is no need to test for extended syntax. If it's strict SPARQL 1.1, a dataset will just have only a default graph.

B/ Content negotiate for a combined DEF.rdfOffer+DEF.quadsOffer (I don't underatand DEF.pureRdfOffer -- N-triples is a standard).

C/ If it's a triple format (test the Lang),

   RDFDataMgr.write(out, dataset.getDefaultModel(), lang) ;
   RDFDataMgr.write(out, dataset, lang) ;


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