We need to do more than just add code to Jena; there needs to be a route
to removing code as well.
Starting with modules, there are some that are some that don't get the
same care and attention and without some level of maintenance, such
modules are dead weight to development.
A "legacy module"
* does not hold up a release
* may be removed from the build
(so they get swept up in a release as source only)
* may be archived
(taken out of the build and put elsewhere, such as a different repo)
The way for anyone to "unlegacy" is to give it care and attention.
Suggestions for legacy modules:
I don't have any plans to remove jena-sdb and it is unlikely to get in
the way. TQ do not use it.
jena-csv interferes with RIOT as it has a pseudo RDF Syntax for CSV
which is simple and not standard (not CSVW). Steps to untangle it are
in v3.3.0 and now we can make us of the pseudo RDF Syntax require
jena-csv and put it all there.
For Fuseki1, the next steps would be to remove it from the direct mention:
* Remove explicit mention on the downloads page.
* Remove jena-fuseki1 binary from the dist/binaries/ area.
* Remove Fuseki1 from the javadoc on the website and the javadoc maker.
These can be done now, not at the next release - it's not releasing