actually, looking at the code it is a datsset graph that the cassandra code
is built on.

On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 5:17 PM, Claude Warren <> wrote:

> The jena-on-cassandra solution is quite simple.  it is an implementation
> of the graph layer so it doesn't do the joins directly but lets the higher
> level do it.  There are 4 copies of the data stored in different order
> gspo, spog and 2 others that escape my mind at the moment but start with
> "o" and "p".
> The tables are "indexed" by their first segments.  The system looks at the
> known values and finds the table with the best index to solve the query, it
> then performs the query and any filtering as necessary to return the
> results.
> Inserts are written into all the tables (as would be expected)
> Deletes are done on a separate thread (eventual consistency after all).
> It uses the standard model-on-graph to create a model.
> Much of the work was really to understand how Cassandra does its indexing
> and how do do deletions.
> As a final note, the Object field is stored in several formats (URI,
> numeric value [if appropriate], string value and perhaps one other, I
> forget just now).  So when finding a value it uses the proper value index.
> All a bit tricky but it seems to work.
> I would be glad to spend some time with you going over the design and
> design decisions if you wish.
> Claude
> On Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 12:10 PM, <> wrote:
>> Little of both? :grin:
>> Primarily I am interested because of a grant [1] in which the Smithsonian
>> Institution (where I work) is participating in a supporting role (partly
>> because I convinced us to). That work involves using Cassandra for
>> distributed storage, and it will also involve a distributed LDP
>> implementation (the Fedora API referred to in that grant description is
>> really just a packaging of Memento [2] with LDP [3]), hence my interest in
>> jena-on-cassandra.
>> As I understand the join question, the usual move with Cassandra is to
>> denormalize and store the joined data together, but that's obviously
>> nontrivial in our situation, where we don't know the potential queries.
>> Have you looked at an indexing solution such as was used by CumulusRDF [4]?
>> ajs6f
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> ops/SSWS/Ladwig-et-all-SSWS2011.pdf
>> Claude Warren wrote on 9/2/17 12:44 PM:
>> are you looking to use jena-on-cassandra or do you have ideas?  what leads
>>> you to ask about it?
>>> On Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 1:21 PM, <> wrote:
>>> Hey, Claude--
>>>> Just curious as to where
>>>> has ended up. Is that still work-in-progress?
>>>> --
>>>> ajs6f
> --
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