
Your solution works for part of my problem.  Thx.  Will it be in the 3.7.0
SNAPSHOT any time soon?

The rest of my problem seems to require round-trip values.  However, I will
open another discussion to explore if that is truly the case.


On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 9:58 AM, Claude Warren <> wrote:

> My issue was not in the Fuseki results but in the RDFConnection side.
> Basically it remaps the results.  However, it looks like your change will
> work there as well.  I'll give it a try.
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 5:27 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:
>> Claude,
>> This commit (on my Jena working copy):
>> eeee84df2ec3966
>> fixes up JSON results for you ... if Fuseki and client are run with the
>> right arguments.
>> fuseki-basic --set arq:outputGraphBNodeLabels=true  .....
>> then
>> rsparql --results=json
>>         --set arq:inputGraphBNodeLabels=true
>>         --set arq:outputGraphBNodeLabels=true
>>         --service http://localhost:3030/ds/query 'SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o}'
>> worked for me.
>> (XML results would be better as they don't need the commit but I can't
>> see to set the accept header that ATM. HttpQuery/QueryEngineHTTP don't seem
>> to allow a global change of default.  Style conflict in usage or I just
>> didn't find it.)
>>     Andy
>> On 17/12/17 20:13, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>>> Are you seeing
>>> { "type": "bnode" , "value": "b0" }
>>> for bytes on the wire?
>>> If so, and this would explain your UUID comment, then note that "b0" is
>>> not the internal blank node label.  "b0" is result-document scoped. Both
>>> the serializer and deserializer do blank node scoping by default.
>>> That's why the blank node labels are short like b0, b1,
>>> It would be
>>> { "type": "bnode" , "value": "c46a7fb56a6126a3d31a1250510b838f" }
>>> if emitting blank node labels (that's a real example).
>>> Parser-generated blank node ids are UUID-related.
>>> The JSON writer has support via the system-wide context setting ...
>>> which is useless because the reader does not support it ATM.  XML results
>>> do work but are not accessible via RDFConnection (I think - might have to
>>> use HttpQuery).
>>>      Andy
>>> On 17/12/17 17:53, Claude Warren wrote:
>>>> I am using the RDFConnectionFactory to create an RDFConnection to
>>>> Fuseki.
>>>> The issue arises when the Connection deserializes the result from
>>>> Fuseki.
>>>> Fuseki is returning the JSON format (I used no special settings for
>>>> this,
>>>> it just works this way out of the box)
>>>> Using an RDFConnection to a local model, or dataset does not exhibit
>>>> this
>>>> issue.
>>>> I traced my issue down to the JSON deserializer I mentioned above.
>>>> Claude
>>>> On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 3:19 PM, ajs6f <> wrote:
>>>> Claude-- I'm looking at RDFConnection, but it's an interface. I think
>>>>> you
>>>>> mean around L220 of JSONInput itself, right?
>>>>> It looks like SyntaxLabels has some LabelToNode factory methods that
>>>>> might
>>>>> fit the bill, like createNodeToLabelAsGiven(), but JSONInput doesn't
>>>>> offer
>>>>> any way to select which method to use. At L195 it uses SyntaxLabels.
>>>>> createLabelToNode().
>>>>> We could thread such a mapping choice all the way through the call
>>>>> stack,
>>>>> but that seems a bit difficult to me. Maybe we could introduce a
>>>>> Context
>>>>> setting for this purpose?
>>>>> ajs6f
>>>>> On Dec 17, 2017, at 9:28 AM, Claude Warren <> wrote:
>>>>>> Greetings,
>>>>>> I am looking at org.apache.jena.sparql.resultset.JSONInput and the
>>>>>> way
>>>>> in
>>>>>> which it parses blank nodes.
>>>>>> I have a requirement for an application such that the same blank node
>>>>>> returned on multiple queries returns the same blank node id.
>>>>>> I have verified that Fuseki does this (given that the data is only
>>>>>> loaded
>>>>>> once -- reloading the data can renumber the nodes).  In any case
>>>>>> Fuseki
>>>>>> seems to return the ids from the underlying data store.
>>>>>> However, when RDFConnection is executing a query it remaps the ids
>>>>>> during
>>>>>> the query.
>>>>>> Down around line 220 it uses a labelMap to construct a new value for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> bnode.  My question is:
>>>>>> Is there a simple way to have the LabelMap return the same value for
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same blank node across multiple queries? (assuming the value does not
>>>>>> change in the data store).
>>>>>> I know there was a discussion of using UUIDs or some such to generate
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> blank ids on the way into the graph but I don't see any way for
>>>>>> RDFConnection to return them consistently.
>>>>>> Claude
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> I like: Like Like - The likeliest place on the web
>>>>>> <>
>>>>>> LinkedIn:
> --
> I like: Like Like - The likeliest place on the web
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