Same here - this is the current use for RDF Delta where $job is running caches of graphs across a number of Tomcat servers. Blank nodes are handled by system id. There is a request for examples on Caching is one of several uses case for the system and one that works.

On 17/12/17 17:47, Claude Warren wrote:
My requirement centres around a caching graph.

For my requirements I know that I am interested in subjects of triples so I
can cache based on the subject.  Long story short.

How do you do cache invalidation?

RDF Delta has "delete triple" patches.

When I query the RDFConnection for the second time I need the blank values
to be the same as the first time so that I can properly update the cache.
I do the updates with blanks in a cleaner manner where I always backtrack
to a non-blank subject so I can build from that.

So do you need round tripping,not just client-side correlation of blank nodes ids? if you fetch data based on internal id, you need the round tripping.

Is the fetch side done by SPARQL or in code?



On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 3:38 PM, Andy Seaborne <> wrote:

On 17/12/17 15:19, ajs6f wrote:

Claude-- I'm looking at RDFConnection, but it's an interface. I think you
mean around L220 of JSONInput itself, right?

It looks like SyntaxLabels has some LabelToNode factory methods that
might fit the bill, like createNodeToLabelAsGiven(), but JSONInput doesn't
offer any way to select which method to use. At L195 it uses

We could thread such a mapping choice all the way through the call stack,
but that seems a bit difficult to me. Maybe we could introduce a Context
setting for this purpose?

They already exist!


On Dec 17, 2017, at 9:28 AM, Claude Warren <> wrote:


I am looking at org.apache.jena.sparql.resultset.JSONInput and the way
which it parses blank nodes.

I have a requirement for an application such that the same blank node
returned on multiple queries returns the same blank node id.

Claude - I have the same requirement, and was checking and working on it
only yesterday.

What is the requirement and use case here?

Mine is for update rdf-delta.

(1) Pushing patches involving blank nodes (one way requirement)
(2) Searching the graph and sending changes based on bnodes (round trip

There are bits and pieces in different places and it could do with pulling
together.  It's (they - there are two mechanisms) been around for a long
time and there are a few things to sort out as handling isn't consistent
ATM and a couple of code paths have been lost/not written.

XML results works if setup up right.

JSONInput on its own isn't sufficient.  What did you enable in Fuseki? It
would be good to know what works already.

BTW - this mode is dubious in terms of spec compliance.  It also happens
to be very useful.


I have verified that Fuseki does this (given that the data is only loaded
once -- reloading the data can renumber the nodes).  In any case Fuseki
seems to return the ids from the underlying data store.

However, when RDFConnection is executing a query it remaps the ids during
the query.

Down around line 220 it uses a labelMap to construct a new value for the
bnode.  My question is:

Is there a simple way to have the LabelMap return the same value for the
same blank node across multiple queries? (assuming the value does not
change in the data store).

I know there was a discussion of using UUIDs or some such to generate the
blank ids on the way into the graph
but I don't see any way for
RDFConnection to return them consistently.


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