> On Apr 16, 2019, at 7:18 AM, Andy Seaborne <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=jena-db-tdb2
> which is new code for TDB2 rewritten for jena-dboe-storage.
> Some useful points, significant amount of noise to manage.
> So IMO it is informative, and best used when there is active development in 
> the area.  Diffs in numbers can be useful, the overall assessment of old 
> code, rather less so and risks being a burden on that old code (where tests 
> are important and IMO where any time is better spent).

That's enough for me to want to turn it on. I agree that it is sometimes 
useful, sometimes just noise, but for me, having it turned on and being able to 
just go look at a webpage when that seems interesting is a lot easier (and more 
likely to be useful) than having to remember how to run it and then running it 
and then going to look for the report. As for the less useful reports from old 
code, we can simply ignore that or (depending on how much time I have) I can 
try to customize the settings across the codebase to minimize the junk from 
older styles. It should be easy enough to just turn off any notifications so 
that we don't get a barrage of junk every time someone makes a commit near 
older code. We can turn them on if or when that seems useful. Cool?

> Would we insist on it for contributions? Hoep not - I'd rather see 
> contributions and tests. And if we don't insist, then who cleans up?

Whoa, wait what?! Are there Apache projects that do that? (Require some certain 
score on this kind of analysis for a contribution?) I sincerely hope not, and 
I'd be the first -1 here at Jena against any such suggestion. That would be 
literally thoughtless.

It sounds like there are no -1s (maybe a bit of skepticism from Andy as to how 
generally useful it could be :) ), so I'll see what it would take to turn it on 
(guessing a ticket to INFRA) and report back.


>    Andy
> On 16/04/2019 11:37, Andy Seaborne wrote:
>> TBH I don't think applying it overall is much help.
>> There is tradeoff on old code between cleaning it and leaving it, warts and 
>> all, untouched so git history is not obscured (and "smells" I glanced at 
>> looked like "current style").
>> I actually find the Eclipse "Show revision information" quite useful.
>> It can be run as Bruno has pointed to.
>> ---
>> Can it be focused on one part of the code base? Pointing to an active area 
>> where change is already happening might be more useful.
>>     Andy
>> On 15/04/2019 22:44, Bruno P. Kinoshita wrote:
>>>   I feel like we had this discussion before... but could be in a different 
>>> project. I ran SonarQube a few times against Jena's codebase in the past, 
>>> but haven't done it in a while.
>>> They also offer a cloud service similar to Travis, called SonarCloud.io: 
>>> https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=org.apache.jena%3Ajena
>>> +1 from me
>>> Bruno
>>>      On Tuesday, 16 April 2019, 1:54:30 am NZST, ajs6f <aj...@apache.org> 
>>> wrote:
>>>   I see that Apache has Sonar code analysis services at: 
>>> https://builds.apache.org/analysis and I wasn't able to find Jena there. It 
>>> would be interesting to see what Sonar says about the codebase. Of course 
>>> it has to be taken with a grain of salt, but it's often useful.
>>> Before I investigate turning Sonar on for our codebase, any 
>>> thoughts/objections/information? Am I missing anything (like we already 
>>> have it turned on and I just didn't see it, which happens all the time)?
>>> ajs6f

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