It is possible to exclude specific modules from Sonar's analysis (I do this
with some of my own projects). The documentation for this is here:

Basically, you define this property in the module you want to skip:


On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 8:49 AM Rob Vesse <> wrote:

> Yep
> A lot of the bigger projects (often those with commercial backers) that
> have a much higher rate of change are often very nit-picky about things
> like code style e.g. Apache Spark.  I've on occasion spent weeks going back
> and forth on style nits in the past with PRs for Spark!
> I can see where those projects are coming from, if you have a high rate of
> PRs and changes a consistent code style reduces the unnecessary noise in
> code reviews but it tends to be very unwelcoming to new contributors.
> So yes I'd never want us to implement that for Jena
> Rob
> On 16/04/2019, 13:10, "ajs6f" <> wrote:
>     Whoa, wait what?! Are there Apache projects that do that? (Require
> some certain score on this kind of analysis for a contribution?) I
> sincerely hope not, and I'd be the first -1 here at Jena against any such
> suggestion. That would be literally thoughtless.

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