Hi Tehetena,
If you are looking for help with Joshua, please consider joining the Joshua
community mailing lists


More people will be able to help you there and will hopefully prevent you
from waiting 2 weeks to arrive at an answer. Please see my other responses

On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 11:38 AM, Tehetena Alemu <tehet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you again for your help. I have tried to remove back ward slash but
>> the error is still same.
As I stated before, I don't think you are looking create/train a language
model... you are only looking to use the Amharic–English language pack. You
do not need to run the pipeline. You should therefore do the following

   1. Download the language pack from the relevant wiki page
   2. decompress is as follows "tar xopf apache-joshua-am-en-2016-11-18.tar"
   3. change into the decompressed language pack "cd
   4. Read the content contained within the README "cat README"
   5. Run the Joshua decoder "./joshua
   6. The Joshua decoder will start running, accepting input from STDIN and
   writing to STDOUT. Joshua expects its input in the form of a single
   sentence per line. Each sentence should first be piped through
   `prepare.sh`, which normalizes and tokenizes the input for the language
   pack's source language. You can therefore throw some text at the Decoder
   server "cat example.am | ./prepare.sh | ./joshua > output.en"
   7. Take a look at the output "cat output.en"

Hopefully the above enables you to move forward.

> By the way I think I don't very well understand how i define "--type
>> (hiero...) ". I guess it been difficult for me to understand and follow how
>> the Joshua translator works. Plus I couldn't find a readme file on the
>> language pack. And it took me more than 2 weeks. Your help means alot,
>> because I got run out of time.
Please read what I have provided above. It works perfectly for me so it
should also work for you. If it does not, write back to us and please make
sure to include the dev@ mailing list when you respond.
Thank you

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